The Myers IV Cocktail

The Myers IV Cocktail Drip

Duration: 60 min | Price: $175.00


A Myers’ cocktail is an increasingly popular intravenous therapy. The late John Myers, MD, was the first person to introduce this vitamin and mineral treatment. He designed this formula to potentially treat several clinical conditions including fatigue, fibromyalgia, muscle spasms, and many more.Although the original Myers’ cocktail may work for many ailments, healthcare providers often mod the original recipe to tailor similar treatments for their patients to meet their specific needs.

Studies have found the Myers’ cocktail may benefit patients who:

  • Suffer from low energy
  • Perform athletic exercises
  • Suffer from chronic fatigue
  • Require intravenous hydration
  • Seek relief from hangover or withdrawal symptoms
  • Suffer from depression or anxiety

What Ingredients are Included in the base Myers Cocktail?  

The standard Myers’ cocktail includes: Vials of Medicine

  • Vitamins: Vitamin C, base B-Complex vitamins and cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12)
  • Calcium: Calcium aids bone formation and strength. It also can help control irregular heartbeats.
  • Magnesium: Generally stored in bones, muscles, and soft tissues. It has been found to reduce fatigue, migraines, muscle spasms and may even help those at risk of cardiovascular diseases.3
  • Zinc:  Zinc has been proven to help regulate the immune system. Zinc is not naturally created in the body. Deficiency of zinc can lead to subsequent health issues.
  • Glutathione: Glutathione is a potent antioxidant that naturally occurs in the body. Glutathione aids the immune system and has been found to help in the prevention of cancer, cystic fibrosis, HIV, and the normal aging process.
  • Saline Solution: All ingredients for the Myers’ cocktail are combined in an IV bag of apyrogenic normal saline.