NAD+ IV Drip

The NAD+ IV Drip

Duration: 240 min | Price: $550.00

NAD therapy keeps your brain in top condition, boosts your memory and cognition, and improves mental clarity by improving neurological function at the cellular level. Please plan for 4.5 – 5 hours!

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) is a crucial amino acid and coenzyme of Niacin (Vitamin B3) that is found in every cell of your body. The compound is a dinucleotide because it consists of two nucleotides joined through their phosphate groups. One nucleotide contains an adenine base and the other nicotinamide. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide exist in two forms: the oxidized and reduced form, NAD+ and NADH. In laymen’s terms: NAD’s main purpose is to fuel metabolic reactions forward. Without NAD+, your cells wouldn’t be able to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and amino acids. NAD+ promotes cellular energy by converting food into energy, repairs DNA and increases the sirtuin enzyme activity which, in the long run can help increase metabolism, decrease inflammation, extend cell life and prevent neurodegeneration.

High dose intravenous infusions of pure NAD+ bypasses the digestive system and delivered straight to the cells for better absorption. NAD+ can be the light at the end of the tunnel for many people suffering from opiate, alcohol and other drug addictions. NAD+ has also shown to provide beneficial for anti-aging benefits as well as recovery from arduous athletic and mental activities.

NAD+ Therapy is an emerging vitamin therapy that is all-natural, holistic, and has shown outstanding results. Compelling research shows that NAD may have a unique ability to protect tissues, induce DNA repair, and increase life span.

Several prestigious universities have found that NAD+ therapy improves symptoms of age-related degenerative diseases.

It has been determined that the excessive use of drugs and alcohol will deplete the body’s natural stores of NAD. Because of this, the brain cannot receive the same energy it usually would from breaking down food. NAD Therapy floods the brain with the co-enzyme to replenish its stores, providing 3 key effects.

  • It flushes out all of the drugs that are still in the user’s system.
  • Reduces withdrawal effects, which can be extremely difficult and uncomfortable to tolerate.
  • It curbs the cravings for alcohol and Opioids and lessens the pain of withdrawal, making recovery easier physically and mentally.
  • It allows the body to produce energy more naturally, without a crash or jitters like caffeine and sugar or the negative effects that come with other substances.
  • Length of sessions vary depending on severity of the addiction and what the clinic recommends. After the initial session, follow ups will be scheduled 1 to 2 months later. These sessions can continue at the discretion of the prescribing clinic.

Some clinics are reporting 70+% success rates with NAD-inclusive treatments compared to only 20% with traditional therapies.